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Writer's pictureDavia Ellis

Well-being Resume: Embracing the Highs and Lows of Life

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

3 Reasons for Creating a Wellbeing Resume

Example of a well-being resume as illustrated by Davia "Diversia" Ellis
A Well-Being Resume

By the time some persons have settled into their entrepreneurial passions and passive income streams, the job seeker's resume will have become obsolete. Resumes convey how qualified one is for the job, and sets up one for career success.

The well-being resume serves as a summary and prediction of your personal development while applying a strengths based approach.

If you have not heard of a wellbeing resume before, it's because the concept was coined and created by the Jamaican, Davia "Diversia" Ellis (2021), artivist, educator and coach.

About five aspects of the well-being resume can become handy.

1. Objectives/ Summary: Identify your intentions for your psychological health. Some persons have paid others to build resumes and templates, but the best well-being resume for you is one that you do for yourself. Being able to summarize your resiliency among thousands of adverse situations which you have overcome is an art or skill.

2. Contact details/ References: List the persons who were capable or qualified to help you towards emotional and or physical wellness. You've learned, unlearned and relearned, so would you like to add prospective contacts?

3. Background/ Affiliations/Membership: Observe your environments and family members in relation to your coping strengths or drawbacks. Does your family have a history of extending their tongue to their chin or picking their nose incessantly and so do you? Be open-minded to your observations because nose picking can seem grossly humourous until we learn that rhinotillexomania is a condition where persons pick their nose until they self-harm.

4.Experience/Feelings/ Mood: Recognize events or happenings which improved your worldview and success strategies. Include the experiences which you endured willing and unwillingly. What are some of the lessons learned?

5.Education/Languages: Proof of certification is not necessarily required for this section. There are many enlightening experiences which taught you to manage yourself and mind your business, be it stories from your grandparents, reading widely, or engaging in continuous discussions with experts. How was your language changed when you started to heal or develop a particular skill?

So, an employer's resume can be easily transformed into a well-being resume for three reasons below.

1. Lack of trust in helpers, mentors, or counselors

If you have ever observed a sad, conceited person hate on you for talents, skills, and happiness that they didn't effect even though they have more years of experience, and more of every other material things that can keep them comfortable, you get a different glimpse on the importance of well-being.

If you get closure from a situation, you give thanks, but you don't seek it frantically. Your peace and happiness is assured with or without closure because you close and open doors accordingly.

When your helper, advisor or mentor was just studying you to find subtle ways to put you down or encourage you to dim your light in the most sincerest fashion, you coped.

You adjusted yourself to the observations, and can diversify your well-being resume after surviving toxic relationships.

2. Distracted by other people's professed progress

Adulting does not quite accommodate the sugar coated response which parents give to children like " This is the best drawing I have ever seen."

In many cases, when you are not function at your best, it's okay to recognize what is happening.

Cater to your inner child, complimenting the time, or energy it took you to materialize something is more effective than passing judgment or lying to yourself.

The fulltime job of adulthood can get so distracting, so the well-being resume can come in handy as a 1 -3 page reminder about what you bring to the table.

List how you have been able to cater to your inner child.

Make it fun and worthwhile because it's not so hard to get lost into everybody else's profiles or the ones that social media algorithm keeps sending in your feed, to the point where you may completely forget an entire set of friends or connections or even yourself.

You are a big deal, and your well-being resume should represent key strengths to you which no one can take away from you.

3. Willingness to push yourself to do something different

Sometimes, what you really want to do has never been done before, perhaps in your family, community, country or the world.

Your wellness resume can help to trigger those inner parts of you which recorded how you were able to achieve the seemingly impossible things of your past.

Remember when you couldn't possible think that you could _____________, and today you've mastered it. Include these moments, events in your well-being resume.

For every time you are learning when to step up, step aside, or step down, prioritizing your well-being, it becomes attached to your lifestyle.

You might start a wellness journey with very limited resources, but you learn to understand your assignment and yourself.

You do your best with what is available, extending your creativity beyond your imaginations and visualizations. Your positive, but practical perspectives see you through amidst inconvenient circumstances.

Continue to build your wellness resume qualifying yourself as the main person responsible for your peace like a river which need to flow.


The well-being resume may come in handy at a counseling session or self help moment. It may never be seen by anyone, if you choose because it's just a different way of holding yourself accountable.

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