I value travelling and relaxing in nature, but I didn't come to accept this until I made a conscious effort to leave everything that I know in Jamaica and made a post indicating that I moved to Colombia.
I wanted to explore my world, and before you knew it, I was reminded that the foundation of my being was entangled in nature.
After all, as early as a babe, I had left Kingston to become a "country girl" where it was mandatory to ascend a hill before reaching home, or boost my confidence to make my way across the river without getting wet- a lifestyle that I eventually struggled to schedule.
You see, I rarely receive or accept nicknames, but I had absolutely loved that a few Colombian adventurers were calling me Jane, except that there was no Tarzan. Anyways, like Jane, I may have been inappropriately dressed sometimes, especially footwear.
It took me a while to start wearing sneakers like everyone else. In fact, one day, I had to simplify my thoughts in Spanish to express that I felt grounded walking in my fairly thin shoes and how much of a better alternative it was than to walk barefoot; I wanted to feel grounded. I wrote the following words in 2017 so that a few years afterwards, overcoming my unseen struggles would be more meaningful:
I was ready for camping and climbing the mountains with a new Spanish friend
Until my thoughts became an hamster on a wheel, running without an end.
Should I have ignored the preposterous pain in my leg or my head,
Or notify the other walkers that I might have to turn back instead?
Well, I had reached too far to return home, to turn back,
For I was thinking, “This is exactly what my body lack.”
Plus, I didn´t want to be the typical ¨gringo¨ or English foreigner
Who sometimes forget it is great to be a learner
I had sucked at salsa, zhumba and other popular Colombian dances
So, I had to keep moving , maximizing my second chances.
Upon recognizing that everyone, instead of the earth was before me,
And upon accepting that finishing at the front doesn´t have to be,
My body gave up,
And I looked up.
I turned my back to everyone to find that if I had indeed turned back
I would have miss out on a recurring playback
Of clear blue skies meeting the mountains so great,
A bit of heaven and its wonders would allow me to elevate.
I could feel that I was still alive, “I have not died”.
Then, I finished to the top, after I had cried.

We were all winners, journeying a different pain;
After reaching the top, we felt light again.
Before you know it, our tents were set, night was here,
And we really enjoyed the stillness in the cool air.
After the campfire had died and exhaustion would put me to sleep,
It became so cold and through the darkness, I started to peep
For some extra blanket or protection from another camper
Whose body warmed mine, a perfect hamper.
A perfect sign that I don´t have to travel alone,
And I could have a gang to call my own.
Once you step out and follow your travel dreams,
You´ll find that fun sometimes travels in teams.
People will help you if you ask for it or allow them to help. (The extra blanket was an offer.)
The presence of pain does not always have to be a deterrent. ( I wasn't accustomed to feeling pain when hiking, and my confidence grew every time I wanted to to turn back, but moved on.)
You may start a journey alone and if necessary, accept support along the way.